City of Regina Proclaims July 22- 26/2013 NAIG Week and Raises Flag at City Hall

To celebrate the milestone of the North American Indigenous Games (NAIG) coming to Regina next year, the Mayor of Regina Michael Fougere has declared July 22nd– 26th  / 2013 North American Indigenous Games Week. Along with the proclamation, the official flag of the Regina 2014 North American Indigenous Games has been raised at City Hall and will be flown July 22nd – 26th as part of NAIG Week.


Regina 2014 NAIG CEO Glen Pratt says “The Regina 2014 North American Indigenous Games will be the largest Indigenous cultural and sporting event in North America. These are the Olympics for Indigenous People and it is an honor to have this recognition and support from the City of Regina”.


“The City is pleased to raise the North American Indigenous Games official flag as a symbol and celebration of cultures and Indigenous youth participation in sports,” says Mayor Michael Fougere.  “With a strong, vibrant Aboriginal community and a reputation for hosting highly successful sporting events, there is no doubt Regina is the ideal host for the Indigenous Games.”


Regina 2014 NAIG will host the athletes and teams from 26 regions in North America’s Indigenous communities as they compete in 15 different sports. It will celebrate and share North American Indigenous cultures through a showcase of language, tradition, art, song, dance and ceremonies. The theme of the Regina 2014 North American Indigenous Games is “Raising the Bar” and we will do this by exhibiting youth excellence in sports and culture.
